User Docs

User Docs

10.3 Reasons

In the RETAIL7 system you can set up different reasons, which are needed for several operations. Reasons must be given to the POS system to authorize a transaction for some cash in or out movements, such as when a customer needs to be refunded for a faulty item, or when we need confirmation for a cash management transaction.

You can find the default reasons database under Management Console -> Menu -> System settings -> Reasons

1 Update list

  1. Click on Update.

  2. Wait until the list has finished loading.

2 Number of list elements  

3 Search for list elements

  1. Enter the desired search term in the search

  2. Click on the magnifying glass. 

  3. Wait for the result and select a desired item. 

Under 2 you can see how many items were found out of the total number. 

4 Information about the reasons

7.2.1 Add reasons

All mandatory fields are marked with an * and must be filled in so that the reasons can be saved successfully. In this case, reason the justifications or explanations given for completing a transaction at RETAIL7. For example, a gift card is to be blocked: here, the user specifies the loss of the card as the reason, because the customer who purchased the card (purchase can be proven by the receipt) specifies that they lost the card. 

  1. Open the menu → System settings → Reasons.

  2. Click on Add.

3. Enter an Key for the reason.

NOTE: The ID can be used to filter out the reason from the list using the search function. Each reason for movement is only given an ID once and can therefore be assigned uniquely.

4. Define the name of the reason.

NOTE: The name can be used to filter the reason out of the list using the search function. It is therefore important that the name is unique to avoid confusion.

5. Check the box if the reason is to be displayed as a selection in a dialog box.

NOTE: When an action is performed on RETAIL7 that requires a reason, a list of all possible reasons is displayed. The user selects the appropriate reason and confirms the prompt. This way, the user does not have to define the reasons again in the app, but creates them in the Management Console.

6. Formulate the question to which the reasons refer.

NOTE: For example, a question could be, "Do you want to block the gift card?". This query must be unique to avoid confusion. 

7. Create the possible answers.

NOTE: Via Add, additional answers can be defined. Optionally, an answer key can be specified in the form of an abbreviation. 

8. Click on Save.

7.2.2 Edit and delete reasons

After the reasons have been successfully saved, they can be edited or deleted at any time. By deleting, the system always remains up to date, because the elements that are no longer needed are removed from the overview. If a change has been made, it must be saved again so that no information is lost.

To edit a reason:

  1. Select the desired reason from the list. 

  2. Click on Edit.

  3. Make all the necessary changes.

  4. Click on Save.

To delete a reason:

  1. Select the desired reason from the list.

  2. Click on Delete.

  3. Confirm the dialog box with Yes.

Press No to cancel the deletion process.

7.2.3 Copy reasons

Some reasons can be fundamentally similar. With RETAIL7, a reason can be copied. This is then displayed in the overview with a new ID, but with all the settings copied. It can then be edited as desired and saved again.

  1. Select the desired reason from the list.

  2. Click on Submenu and Duplicate.