User Docs

User Docs

5. Time tracking

Employee time tracking in retail and hospitality ensures accurate payroll, monitors productivity, and helps manage labor costs. It ensures compliance with labor laws, tracks overtime, and improves scheduling. This leads to better customer service and operational efficiency by ensuring staff availability matches demand.

The RETAIL7 system has a detailed time tracking function, with which our customers are able to check and follow the number of hours worked for each employee. The time tracking function books the check-in and check-out timestamps of everyone in every store. The check-ins and check-outs can be recorded either via the RETAIL7 POS app, or here in the Management Console directly. In the following section we explain how exactly this works.

Note: for time tracking via the POS app, see chapter .....

Adding a time tracking record

When and employee starts their shift, their check-in time have to be registered in the system, with the exact name, date, time and the place of work. When the employee finishes their shift, this record is edited later by adding the check-out data, and the difference between the check-in and check-out time is the number of the working hours.

For recording an employee´s check-in data in the Management Console, open the Time tracking menu and click on Add.

Choose the user from the roll down menu by clicking their name. The users will be listed only if they were already added under the Access rights -> Users menu beforehand.

In the Check-in field, choose the date from the calendar and click OK.

On the next mask set the exact time (hours/minutes/a.m. or p.m.).

Select where the employee will work during their shift from the store field roll down menu.

Click Save to record the starting date and time of the shift of the employee.

By clicking on Cancel the check-in time is not registered.

After saving, the time tracking record is displayed on the main view in an Open state, since it still has no check-out data registered. Also, because of the missing check-out data, the hours worked are not counted.

Editing a time tracking record

When the employee finishes their shift and leaves work, their check-out time must be recorded by editing their previous time tracking record with the open status. For this, open the Time tracking menu in the Management Console and click on the record with the employee´s name and the Open status, which already contains the check-in data from the start of their shift.

To add the check-out data to this record, click on Edit.

Enter the check-out details (date and time) in the same way as for check-in and click Save.

The Time tracking record in the list view will now be updated: the state will change to Complete, and the time difference between the check-in and check-out data is displayed as the number of working hours.

Completed time tracking records can still be edited if an incorrect date/time or work location was registered. To do this this, select the record, click Edit, correct the data and save it again.

Please note: the name of the employee cannot be edited in these records, only the check-in, the check-out and work location data. If a time tracking record is registered to the wrong employee, the record should be invalidated and a new record should be registered with the correct name.

Deleting a time tracking record

Time records can be edited to add check-out time data or to correct an error, but cannot be completely deleted because they must be retained as historical data. If a time record data is considered irrelevant, it can be invalidated so that it doesn´t count in the employee´s working hours.

To exclude a time tracking record from accounting, select it and click on Invalidate.

In the pop-up window click on Yes.

In the updated time tracking view, the record will now be updated with the state Invalid and will not be counted in accounting.

By clicking No, the process is cancelled and the time tracking record keeps its state as Completed and the working hours are counted.