User Docs

User Docs

11.6.8 Tender pickup

Tender pickup involves exceeding a threshold value of cash. As a result, cash is picked up from the cash register to compensate for the value. The amount of cash is registered in the system so that it is always possible to trace how much revenue has been generated.

  1. Open the retail7 app.

  2. Enter the login data and log in.

  3. Open the Cash management menu.

This menu provides an overview of all the functionalities of the retail7 app with regard to cash management. We advise you to proceed very carefully with these settings, since cash management is the basis of the POS system. Only in this way can the transactions carried out be logged correctly and without errors.

4. Select Tender pickup.

5. Enter the amount.

This way you specify how much cash should be picked from the drawer. This amount is registered exactly in the system. Thus, tracking is ensured.

6. Click OK.

Afterwards, the user is again in the transaction overview. This can be inactive or active. If it is active, an open shopping cart with a specified amount is displayed. For more information, see the General operation section.