Dev Docs

Export from RETAIL7 to SAP CAR

With RETAIL7 we offer our customer to connect seamless a SAP CAR (Customer Activity Repository). For that, we developed an approach called SAP Modell Company which is basically a template with best practise recommendations and structures.

Our consultants will help you in a project to setup your SAP system.

To be able, to connect RETAIL7 to your SAP system you have to install the retail7 SAP Connect Plugin Package from the retail7 Marketplace.

The plugin package installs the JSONata definition CAR_SOAP_EXPORT (expression and binding) and the Export / Import Schema Definition SAP_CAR_SOAP_EXPORT.

As soon as this is done, you can configure with our consultants together the needed URL and username / password.

HTTP Export Configuration

The HTTP Export Configuration (SAP endpoint) must be done manually, because at installation time there is no SAP endpoint available or the JSONata mapping is not adjusted to the customer and could be wrong.

SAP Endpoint

The SAP Endpoint must be configured under HTTP Export configuration.

JSONata bindings

Inside the JSONata bindings you can adjust the following fields:

  • RETAILSTOREID (as long as we have a different own store id)


  • ENTRYMETHODCODE (we cannot differentiate it, therefore fix "KEYE")











Tender Mapping

All Tenders must be setup correctly inside the Management Konsole.
That means a valid SAP TenderCode must be assigned to each tender

For each Tender a "Kind of tender" / "Zahlungsmittelart" must created, if it's not existing.

Example for Tender "EFT", which has no kind of tender in standard

Afterwards the tender "EFT" must be checked and the kind of tender must be assigned.

Testing with JSONata Excerciser

The JSONata mapping and bindings can simply be tested here

Just copy a poslog into the json, the bindings to the bindings sections (see bottom left corner => enlarge bindings) and the expression to the jsonata section and check the outcome,

This is the outcome which will be send to SAP.

For further information, especially about the SAP Model Company, please contact your RETAIL7 consultant or our sales team per mail with [email protected].