With this import, item menus or named button groups, which are used to display the different items on the POS.
If you need more information about items menus, please have a look for the user documentation.
The importconfigkey for the simple item import defaultimportitemmenuV2
The valid json looks like that:
"__id": "{{__id}}",
"__organizationalId": "{{__organizationalId}}",
"buttonGroupName": {
"i18nVariants": {
"de_DE": "{{name_de_de}}"
"buttonGroupSortingOrder": {{buttonGroupSortingOrder}},
"buttonGroupVisibility": "{{buttonGroupVisibility}}",
"mainButtonImageRelation": "",
"overallButtonType": "{{overallButtonType}}",
"overallButtonImageRelation": "",
"buttons": [
"buttonFunction": "{{buttons_buttonFunction}}",
"buttonValue": "item:{{buttons_buttonValue}}",
"buttonLabel": {
"i18nVariants": {
"de_DE": "{{buttons_buttonlabel_de_de}}"
Field | |
| Type: "NNNNN" - string Sample: "12345" or "ABC-123" Description: The internal, unique ID for the item menu. |
| Type: - Sample: "Nli1bkf_0" or "-1" Description: The unique ID for the concerning organization. If there are multiple stores and the menu is only available in specific store, you need the organizationalId for the appropiate store. |
| Type: "TEXT" - string Sample: "Daily Newspapers" Description: The name of the menu. |
| Type: NNNN - numeric Sample: 100 Description: The sorting sequence in which the menus are displayed. The smaller the number, the higher it is ranked |
| Type: "ENABLED" / "DISABLED" / "ENABLEDONLYAS_SUBMENU" Sample: "ENABLED" Description: Specifies whether the menu should be displayed on the POS or not. |
| Type: "ITEMREGISTRATION" / "SUBMENU" Sample: "ITEM_REGISTRATION" Description: Specifies whether the button associated with the menu should register an item or open a submenu. |
| Type: - Sample: "item:N|lda8miao" Description: The ID of the submenu or item, associated with the menu |
| Type: "TEXT" Sample: "Local Newspapers" Description: The button description. |
To have a quickstart, please download the postman ressources:
Postman Collection for Item Menu Import - DOWNLOAD
Postman Environment for Item Menu Import - DOWNLOAD