Dev Docs

Default Items

With this import, all items that are for sale can be imported. Each item can be built according to your needs and can include several item identifications, item menus, prices etc. All necessary fields are available in the import, just as if the article would be created manually.

If you need more information about items, please have a look for the user documentation.


The endoint definition can be found in the common information.

The importconfigkey for the simple item import is defaultimportitemsV2.


The valid json looks like that for a standard item:

"__id": "{{__id}}",
"__organizationalId": "{{__organizationalId}}",
"taxGroupID": "{{taxGroupID}}",
"unitlistprice": {{unitlistprice}},
"texts": {
"name": {
"i18nVariants": {
"de_DE": "{{name_de_de}}"
"sellingPriceList": [
"priceType": "GroupPrice",
"effectiveFromDate": "{{GroupPrice_From}}",
"effectiveTillDate": "{{GroupPrice_Till}}",
"priceAmount": {{GroupPrice_Amount}},
"contactGroup": "{{GroupPrice_Group}}",
"priceDescription": "{{GroupPrice_Description}}"
"priceType": "NormalPrice",
"effectiveFromDate": "{{NormalPrice_From}}",
"effectiveTillDate": "{{NormalPrice_Till}}",
"priceAmount": {{NormalPrice_Amount}},
"priceDescription": "{{NormalPrice_Description}}"
"priceType": "SpecialPrice",
"effectiveFromDate": "{{SpecialPrice_From}}",
"effectiveTillDate": "{{SpecialPrice_Till}}",
"priceAmount": {{SpecialPrice_Amount}},
"priceDescription": "{{SpecialPrice_Description}}"
"image": [],
"discountFlag": {{discountFlag}},
"returnAble": {{returnAble}},
"manualPriceOverwriteAllowed": {{manualPriceOverwriteAllowed}},
"zeroPriceAllowed": {{zeroPriceAllowed}},
"manualPriceEntry": {{manualPriceEntry}},
"taxExemptProhibitedFlag": {{taxExemptProhibitedFlag}},
"mainPOSItemId": "{{mainPOSItemId}}",
"itemGroups": [
"itemGroup": "{{itemGroup}}"
"itemCategory": "{{itemCategory}}"




Type: NNNNN - string

Sample: "12345"

Description: The internal, unique ID for the item.



Sample: "Nli1bkf_0" or "-1"

Description: The unique ID for the concerning organization. If there are multiple stores and the item is only available in specific store, you need the organizationalId for the appropiate store.


Type: "N" - string

Sample: "2"

Description: 1 - Item without tax

2 - Item with standard tax rate

3- Item with reduced tax rate


Type: NN.NN - numeric

Sample: 39.99

Description: The price of the item. Important: It is necessary to use a point as seperator.


Type: "TEXT" - string

Sample: "Newspaper"

Description: The name of the item.


Type: -

Sample: "Nli1bkf_A0"

Description: The internal id of the image.


Type: True / False - boolean

Sample: True

Description: Specifies whether an item is discountable or not.


Type: True / False - boolean

Sample: True

Description: Specifies whether an item is returnable or not.


Type: True / False - boolean

Sample: True

Description: Specifies whether an item price may be manually overwritten or not.


Type: True / False - boolean

Sample: True

Description: Specifies whether an item may have a price of "0.00" or not.


Type: True / False - boolean

Sample: True

Description: Specifies whether a window for manual price entry should be opened after scanning the item or not.


Type: True / False - boolean

Sample: True

Description: Specifies whether the item can be sold as tax free or not.


Type: "NNNNN" - string

Sample: "12345" or "ABC-123

Description: The unique ID for the item, like a item or part number. This ID will be scanned at the POS.


Type: "NNNN" - string

Sample: "12345" or "ABC-123"

Description: Links this item to the selected item group.


Type: string

Sample: "12345"

Description: The unique ID for the link to the assigned item groups



Sample: "DEFAULT"

Description: The category to which an item should be assigned. (e.g. default, set etc.)

Selling Price List:

The "Selling Price List" offers the possibility to set different prices time-controlled. Furthermore, it is possible to set a time-controlled price for a specific contact group.


Type: "GroupPrice", "SpecialPrice" or "NormalPrice"

Sample: "GroupPrice"

Description: The category of the price.


Type: Timestamp

Sample: "2023-05-29T13:00:16.726Z"

Description: Timestamp from when this price should be active.


Type: Timestamp

Sample: "2023-05-29T13:00:16.726Z"

Description: Timestamp from when this price should be inactive.


Type: NN.NN - numeric

Sample: 39.99

Description: The price of the item. Important: It is necessary to use a point as seperator.


(only necessary for prices with type "GroupPrice"!)

Type: ID

Sample: "Nli1bkf_0"

Description: The unique ID of the contact group for which the price should be valid.


Type: "TEXT" - string

Sample: "Happy Hour - VIP Customers"

Description: The description of the price.

Example case

The Postman project below contains all the necessary files to illustrate an example use-case.

Download postman project "Default Item"

  1. Import all the existing .json files into postman.

  2. Enter the following data in the included environments:

    - baseURL

    - username

    - password

    Leave all other entries unchanged.

  3. Open the imported "ITEM API | Default Item"-Collection in the postman app.

  4. On the top right corner, assign the imported "ITEM API | Default Item"-Environment to the opened collection.

  5. Click the "Send"-Button to send the post to your management console.

Result: The item should now appear in your management console with item type "Default".